Friday, November 17, 2006

Mastek Ltd

Mastek Ltd. is a global software solutions and integration services provider which designs, develops, integrates and maintains business applications to enable enterprise solve complex, mission-critical business problems.

On the Best Path: Our delivery processes have been certified at ISO 9001-2000, and assessed at SEI CMM Level 5 and P-CMM Level 3. It figured among the 13 Indian firms to be listed in the Forbes Global List of 200 Best Small Companies in the World 2002, and has featured amongst the top Indian IT companies for Corporate Governance practices as per the Corporate Governance study conducted by Credit Lyonnais during the past four years.

Mastek Limited is one of the fastest growing companies among the major IT firms in India, with 3,000 employees and over 7,200 man-years of experience. It has executed over 1,000 projects worldwide.

Designation: Programmer Trainee
Experience: Fresher
Location: Mumbai, Pune
Skills: Programming

Desired Profile
1. Educational Qualification: BE (Comp Sci/ IT/ E&TC)
2. Candidates from 2006 batch pass out will be eligible to apply.
3. Min 60% in SSC, HSC.
4. Min 58% Aggregate of all semesters of Engg. (Excluding Diploma)
5. Excellent verbal & written communication skills.
6. Candidate should be ready to work at Mumbai, Pune.

Additional Information

Selection Process:
Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of resume. Shortlisted candidates will be intimated through email/ Tel. regarding the selection procedure to be attended at our Mumbai or Pune office.

How to Apply:
Candidates who fit into above mentioned eligibility criteria need to forward their word format resume to us in following format-

Email Subject line:
Your Name_ Qualification_ University_ Aggregate %(For eg: Amit Bhat_ BE (CS)_ Mumbai Univ_ 65.8%)

For Test Location Mumbai please forward your resume to
For Test Location Pune please forward your resume to

Word Format Resume should include following details:
a) Updated Tel No, email ID.
b) Yr of passing & percentage obtained in SSC, HSC, Degree, All semesters of Engg till date.
c) School & College Full name, Board/ University, Stream of study.
d) Details of additional trainings/ courses undergone.
e) Work Exp, Project details, Extra curricular activities.

1. Resume forwarded with incomplete information will not be considered.
2. Candidates who have already appeared for the selection process during last 6 months, need not apply again.
3. Outstation candidates coming for selection process will be intimated beforehand regarding dates of selection process. They have to attend the same at their own expense.

Contact Information
Email: (or)


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